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Pics of various cars for NR2003/2002
Links and pics

#43 BGN Channellock Chevy drove by Johnny Sauter
#43 Johnny Sauter Channellock Chevy. Has a link to Download Site
RaceSchemeCentral is the best site on the web for Base schemes for NR2003 and NR2002. You can check them out at

Reasons for leaving geocities..........
After about 600 hits with geocities, I have decided to move my site here. Geocities always seemed to have problems uploading pictures, and it wouldn't upload car files. Half the time it wouldn't even save for me! I started getting mad, and found a new host for my site,

Kevin Harvick, Driver of the #29 GM Goodwrench Chevy

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Hmmmmmmmmmmmm i got some free room.......

Geocities Site

#12 Alltel Dodge
Never completed this car.....if you want it or the base scheme I can make it for you.
(This car was made for NR2002, will make base scheme for NR2003)

#14 Alabama Farewell Tour Chevy (Request)
Derrike Cope drove a #37 Alabama Farewell Tour Ford in 2002. I got a request from Rick Mason to paint him this car, but with a #14 and as a Chevy. Going off a picture from Jayski of the real car, I painted this car from scratch. Turned out pretty good.

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